Monday: Prioritizing Your Relationship With Jesus
  • Scripture:  Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

  • Devotional Thought:  It’s easy to let life’s demands push our relationship with Jesus to the side. We wake up thinking about what needs to get done, the problems we need to solve, and the responsibilities we have to carry. But Jesus tells us that if we seek Him first, everything else will fall into place. True growth happens when we prioritize our relationship with Him above everything else.

  • Reflection Question:  Is Jesus truly first in your daily life, or does He get whatever time is left over?

  • Application:  Start your day by giving God your first few minutes. Before you check your phone, turn on the TV, or jump into your tasks, take a moment to give God your undivided attention to pray and read a passage of Scripture.

  • Prayer:  Lord, help me to seek You first each day. I don’t want to fit You into my schedule—I want my life to revolve around You. Teach me to trust that when I put You first, You will take care of the rest. In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.
Tuesday: The Habit of Daily Devotions
  • Scripture:  Mark 1:35 – “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

  • Devotional Thought:  Jesus was busy. He had people to heal, crowds to teach, and disciples to train and equip. But even with all that, He made time for personal prayer and time with the Father. If Jesus needed this—how much more do we? Developing the habit of daily devotions isn’t about checking a religious box. It’s about making space to hear from God and grow in our personal relationship with Him.

  • Reflection Question:  Do you have a consistent time set aside for God each day? If not, what’s stopping you?

  • Application:  Set a specific time each day to read Scripture and pray. If you’re not sure where to start, begin with the Gospel of Mark. Read one chapter a day and ask God to speak to you through His Word.

  • Prayer:  Father, I want to know You more. Help me to develop the habit of spending time with You daily. Teach me to hear Your voice and walk closely with You. In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.
Wednesday: Trusting God With Your Resources
  • Scripture:  Matthew 6:31-32 – “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.”

  • Devotional Thought:  One of the biggest areas where we struggle to trust God is with our finances. We often feel like we have to provide for ourselves, control our future, and make sure we have enough. But Jesus reminds us that our Heavenly Father knows what we need. When we trust Him by putting Him first—even in our finances—we experience His faithfulness in ways we never imagined.

  • Reflection Question:  Do you trust God with your finances? Or do you rely on yourself first?

  • Application:  If you haven’t already, commit to percentage giving. Choose a percentage of your income to give regularly, trusting that God will provide for your needs.

  • Prayer:  Lord, I don’t want money to have a grip on my heart. Help me to trust You with my finances and live generously, knowing that You are my provider. In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.
Thursday: The Power of Pre-Deciding
  • Scripture:  1 Timothy 4:7-8 – “...Train yourself to be Godly. For physical training is of some value, but Godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

  • Devotional Thought:  No one drifts into a strong faith. Just like training for a sport, spiritual growth requires intentionality. If we wait until we feel like praying, reading Scripture, or giving generously, we’ll rarely do it. That’s why pre-deciding matters. When we pre-decide to put God first with our time, trust, and priorities, we set ourselves up for extraordinary spiritual growth.

  • Reflection Question:  What’s one area where you need to pre-decide to be disciplined in your faith?

  • Application:  Make a decision today to prioritize either daily devotions or percentage giving. Set a specific plan for how you will follow through.

  • Prayer:  Jesus, I don’t want to wait for the perfect moment to grow in my faith—I want to take action now. Help me to pre-decide to put You first, even on the days when it’s hard. In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.
Friday: Making Faith Personal
  • Scripture:  James 4:8 – “Come near to God, and he will come near to you.”

  • Devotional Thought:  Spiritual growth isn’t about following rules—it’s about deepening your personal relationship with Jesus. The more time you spend with Him, the more you’ll experience His presence, peace, and guidance in your life. Faith isn’t just for Sundays. It’s something you cultivate daily. When you intentionally draw near to God, He meets you where you are.

  • Reflection Question:  Is your faith personal, or just a routine?

  • Application:  Evaluate your faith journey. Are you going through the motions, checking boxes, or are you actively seeking a personal relationship with Jesus? Take a step today to make your faith more personal—whether through music, prayer or taking time to listen to Jesus through Scripture.

  • Prayer:  Jesus, I want to know You, not just know about You. Help me to draw near to You daily and experience a growing personal relationship with You. In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.
Weekly Bonus Application
  • Suggested Memory Verse:  Mark 1:35 – “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

  • Challenge:  Choose one of the two private disciplines—daily devotions or percentage giving—and commit to practicing it consistently for the next 90 days.
Monday: Trusting God in the Waiting
  • Scripture:  John 11:5-6 “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days.”

  • Devotional Thought:  When Jesus heard Lazarus was sick, He didn’t rush to heal him, even though He could have. Instead, He waited when they needed Him the most. That seems confusing—if Jesus loved Lazarus, why didn’t He go immediately?
    Have you ever felt like God was delaying something in your life? Maybe you’ve prayed for healing, direction, or a breakthrough, fully believing God could answer, but it seems like nothing is happening. Just because God seems silent doesn’t mean He is absent.
    Jesus’ delay wasn’t neglect—it was part of a greater plan. Sometimes, what feels like God’s delay is actually His preparation for something bigger than we can see.

  • Reflection Question:  Where in your life do you feel like God is delaying? How might He be using this waiting season to grow your faith?

  • Application:  Instead of seeing God’s delay as a rejection, choose to trust that He is working behind the scenes. Read Romans 8:28 and then write a short prayer expressing your trust in God, even when you don’t understand His timing.

  • Prayer:  Lord, help me to trust You in the waiting. Even when I don’t understand, I choose to believe that You are working for my good. Help me to see that Your delays are not denials. Strengthen my faith and give me the patience to wait on Your perfect timing. In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.
Tuesday: Faith in the Middle of the Storm
  • Scripture:  John 11:21-22  “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now, God will give you whatever you ask.”

  • Devotional Thought:  Martha was devastated. She had been waiting for Jesus to come, and now it felt too late—her brother had already died. But even in her grief, she still trusted that Jesus had the power to work in her situation.
    Life is full of unexpected storms—moments when things don’t go as planned, when heartbreak hits, or when God doesn’t seem to intervene in the way we hoped. In those moments, we have a choice: Will we let our circumstances define our faith? Or will we choose to believe that God is still in control, even when life feels out of control?
    Faith doesn’t mean we never struggle. It means that even when we are disappointed or don’t understand, we still choose to believe that God is in control. What situation in your life feels hopeless? Just like Jesus had a plan for Lazarus, He has a plan for your situation, too.

  • Reflection Question:  How do you respond when life doesn’t go as planned? Does your faith waver, or do you trust God even in uncertainty?

  • Application:  Identify one area in your life where you need to say, like Martha, “Even now, I trust You, Lord.” Write it down as a declaration of faith.

  • Prayer:  Jesus, even when life doesn’t make sense or go as I planned, I choose to trust You. Help me to have faith like Martha, believing that You will still fulfill Your plan and purpose in my life.  In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.
Wednesday: Jesus Weeps With You
  • Scripture:  John 11:35 “Jesus wept.”

  • Devotional Thought:  This is the shortest verse in the Bible, but it reveals something powerful—Jesus cares deeply about our pain. He knew He was about to raise Lazarus from the dead, yet He still wept with Mary and Martha in their grief.
    Jesus doesn’t just fix our problems—He walks with us through them. If you are facing pain, loss, or disappointment, Jesus sees you. He cares deeply. He is not a distant God. He is a God who weeps with you.

  • Reflection Question:  How does knowing that Jesus grieves with you change the way you see your current struggles?

  • Application:  If you’re struggling today, take a few minutes to write out your emotions in a prayer to God. Be honest with Him about how you feel.  If you know someone who is grieving, reach out to them today and encourage them.

  • Prayer:  Jesus, thank You for being a God who weeps with me and understands my pain. Help me to feel Your presence in my hardest moments and to trust that You are near. In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.
Thursday: Resurrection is Coming
  • Scripture:  John 11:43-44  “Jesus called in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come out!’ The dead man came out.”

  • Devotional Thought:  Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days—his situation looked impossible. But when Jesus spoke, everything changed. Dead things don’t stay dead when Jesus is involved.
    Are there areas of your life that feel dead, that feel hopeless? A relationship? A dream? Your faith? Jesus is still in the business of resurrection. Nothing is beyond His power.

  • Reflection Question:  What’s one area in your life where you need to trust Jesus for resurrection?

  • Application:  Take a few moments today to pray and surrender that situation to God, asking Him to bring life and renewal where it seems impossible. Take a step of faith—choose to trust that God is not finished with your story.

  • Prayer:  Jesus, thank You that nothing is too far gone for You to fulfill your will. Help me to trust You with the broken and dead areas of my life. I believe that resurrection is coming. In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.
Friday: Never Measure God's Love By Your Circumstances
  • Scripture:  Romans 8:38-39 “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers… will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

  • Devotional Thought:  When life is hard, it’s easy to ask, “God, do You really love me?” But the truth is—God’s love isn’t proven by our circumstances. It’s proven by the cross. If you ever doubt God’s love, don’t look at your situation—look at Jesus. He died for you. He rose again. And He has already secured victory over everything you’re facing. Your circumstances may change, but God’s love never will.

  • Reflection Question:  Are you letting your circumstances define your faith, or are you letting your faith define your circumstances?

  • Application:  Whenever you feel distant from God, remind yourself of His love by reading Romans 8:38-39. Today, take a moment to write down three things you know to be true about God’s love, no matter what happens.

  • Prayer:  Father, thank You that Your love is constant, no matter what I face. Help me to trust that even when life is hard, You are still good, and You are still in control. In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.