RCC Kids

Birth - 5th Grade

The best hour of a kid's week!

When we think of children’s ministry here at RCC we think Orange. What do we mean by that? Orange is what you get when you combine yellow and red. Yellow represents the light of the church, and Red the love of the home. It’s the partnership of these two primary influences that provides maximum spiritual impact in the lives of children.
Our curriculum is written by the ReThink Group. This curriculum is a weekly, web-based, downloadable curriculum that supports our strategy for both church AND home to give kids a faith that will last forever and make our church a place they want to be.

Birth - PreK

Everything we teach in Waumba Land is focused on three
big ideas:
  •    God MADE Me
  •    God LOVES Me
  •    Jesus wants to be my FRIEND forever.

We plan a full hour for your child. The entire curriculum is constructed to incite wonder and meet your child where they are cognitively, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. Through age-appropriate activities, your child will build their spiritual foundation.

K-5th Grade

UpStreet is our experience for elementary-aged kids that happens every Sunday. In UpStreet, we believe the Bible should never be boring, worship can be really loud, and good leaders always care. Before kids head off to middle school, we want to make sure 3 things stick:
  • I need to make the WISE CHOICE.
  • I can TRUST GOD no matter what.
  • I should TREAT OTHERS the way
    I want to be treated.

The main focus in UpStreet is our small groups, because we believe that’s where life change happens. We want kids to see how God’s Word fits into their lives, to learn how to talk to him, and to build friendships that will last.
Main Calendar
RCC Kids

Parent Cue

The Parent Cue shows you what we are teaching and cues you with ideas you can use at home.

Toddler & Pre-K

Parent Cue


Parent Cue