Imagine this...

What if you had cash in the bank for emergencies?
Lived a debt-free lifestyle?
Became outrageously generous?
We believe you can, but it’ll take some work to get there. That’s why we want every family at RCC to have free access to Ramsey+, a plan for living and giving the way you’ve dreamed about.

What is Ramsey+?

Membership to Ramsey+ resources include:
  • Jump Start: This includes nine 4- to 5-minute high-level videos overviewing a biblical approach to stewardship and money.
  • Financial Peace University Class: In this course, you’ll learn how to pay off debt, save for emergencies, and invest in your future.
  • Every Dollar App: Without a budget, you can’t succeed with money. With all the premium features of EveryDollar, we make it easy for you to take control of your money — for good.
  • Baby Steps App: See how fast you can pay off your debt and know the next right step for your money. You’ll get customized tips and start crushing your goals.
  • Smart Money Smart Kids: This is a simple resource broken down by age ranges so parents can equip their kids with a biblical foundation and practical principles in the area of finance.
  • Legacy Journey: As you plan for the future, this tool will help you map out your long-range plans in generosity.
Your account will be activated for 12 months.
After that, come back here to renew your account for another year.